Effective April 8, 2024, Mississippi joins the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT).
The Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT) is an interstate compact designed to facilitate the practice of both telepsychology and the temporary in-person, face-to-face practice of psychology across state boundaries.
Applications to practice under this compact are to be made directly to PSYPACT. Interested Mississippi-licensed psychologists may start the process for applying on or after April 8, 2024.
Although state regulatory boards are not involved in processing PSYPACT applications, general information is provided below that may be helpful. If you have additional PSYPACT questions or need further information, please email info@psypact.org.
Practicing within a PSYPACT State
Requires obtaining an E. Passport through the Association of State & Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB) and an Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology (APIT) through the PSYPACT Commission. View detailed information regarding qualifications and apply for PSYPACT Telepsychology Practice at https://psypact.org/page/telepsychology.
Requires obtaining an Interjurisdictional Practice Certificate (IPC) through the Association of State and Provisional Psychology Boards (ASPPB) and a Temporary Authorization to Practice (TAP) through the PSYPACT Commission. View detailed information regarding qualifications and apply for PSYPACT Temporary In-Person Practice at https://psypact.org/page/temporarypractice.
PSYPACT Resources:
- Application Frequently Asked Questions: https://psypact.org/page/appfaq
- PSYPACT Participating States: PSYPACT Map – Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT)
- Practice Under PSYPACT: https://psypact.org/page/PracticeUnderPSYPACT
- Practicing Within a PSYPACT State: Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT) – The Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (asppb.net)
- Verification of PSYPACT Authorizations: https://www.verifypsypact.org/
PSYPACT Proposed Rules for Public Comment
Any rules currently under consideration by the PSYPACT Commission are available for review here.