How can I tell if a program is approved by the Board for CE credits?
The American Psychological Association’s approved providers are listed on the APA website. Providers usually list their approval status on their brochures. If uncertain about provider status, you can call the office of the Board of Psychology.
I want to sponsor a program and offer CE credits to psychologists. What information is needed to request Board approval to grant CE credits for psychologists?
CE credits are given for psychologists on a clock-hour basis. Submit the following information at least 5 working days prior to a Board meeting preceding the program for consideration of approval for CE credits:
- program brochure or description
- program agenda or schedule
- objectives and speaker for each topic to receive CE credits
- CV, resume, or professional biography for each speaker
- total number of contact hour CE credits requested
- number of contact hour CE credits requested specific to ethical or legal issues
What activities are acceptable to meet the biennial requirement for 20 hours of approved continuing education (CE)?
Any of the following are acceptable:
- activities approved by the American Psychological Association
- activities specifically approved in advance by the Mississippi Board of Psychology
- activities sponsored by a Board approved provider (if uncertain, contact the Board office to confirm current status of CE providers)
- attendance at an inter-professional conference or convention of at least one day’s duration that is relevant to the practice of psychology (limited to 3.0 credit hours per meeting and 12.0 credit hours per biennium)
Can I get CE credits for preparing a class or lecture or for presenting a program?
You may not receive CE credits for preparation time. You can receive the same credits as attendees for presenting a program for an approved provider or that has been specifically approved by the Board.
Can I receive CE credit for a program if it was very good and relevant to psychology, but was not approved in advance by the Board?
No, all requests for approval of CE must be received in advance of the program.
Can I receive CE credit for attending a conference sponsored by another profession with content that is relevant to my work as a psychologist?
Yes, you can receive 3.0 CE credit hours for attending an inter-professional program of at least one day’s duration if the program is relevant to the practice of psychology. No advance approval is required unless you want to receive more than 3.0 hours of CE credit for attending the program.
What documentation is required for CE credit?
Licensed psychologists should retain corroborating documentation of their CE participation, including certificates showing completion and approval status of the provider, and clear evidence of the number of CE hours. A receipt for conference registration or roster of attendance from the provider may also be submitted. A random sample of at least 5% of licensed psychologists will be audited for documentation of their CE participation, and the Board may request documentation at its discretion. Licensees are advised to retain this documentation for at least two licensing/CE cycles
How many CE hours do I need?
If you have been licensed for at least two full years, you will need to submit evidence of at least 20 hours of approved CE credits. At least two of these hours must involved topics in professional ethics or legal issues. If you have been licensed at least one full year but less than two years, you will need to submit evidence of 10 hours of CE credits and at least 1 hour in ethics or legal issues. Psychologists licensed in Mississippi for less than one full year are not required to submit evidence of CE.